Fredric Lehne as Marshall Edward Mars:

Also, I've done all my re-drawing. So I'll post the ones with significant enough changes to bother showing...
First, the ones I completely re-drew, starting with Jack. A number of people said they didn't see much likeness in the first one I posted of him, and I know at the time I said I thought it was good, but those critiques stuck with me, and over time I began to see less and less likeness. So finally, I decided to completely re-draw him:


and I FINALLY got one I like of Jacob:

Next, there were a few of the early ones that didn't quite match the shading style I kind of gradually morphed into as I went along. Since my ultimate plan is to put all of these together into one piece, I wanted the style to be consistent, so I went back and touched up these ones...


and Hurley ( I also altered his facial expression a little to make him look less angry):

And the rest of these are just ones that had structural problems that were bothering me. If you're interested enough to go back and compare them with my original sketches, I think you'll see the changes I made...

Daniel (After posting it, I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed that I'd put his far ear waaaaayyy too low!):



Karl (Mostly I just un-crossed his eyes):

The Man in Black:




and Walt:

There were a few others I altered too, but the changes were so minor I didn't think them worth posting.
Anyway, all there is left to do now is to assemble them all into one big poster. I look forward to it, but I make no guarantees about how long it will take me to get that done.
Thanks for looking! Comments and critiques welcome.