My newest. E-mail me ( if you're interested in ordering prints.
Chumpmonkey's Electronic Cartoonatorium
Cuz "blog" is a stupid word, and i refuse to lay claim to one.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
You're gosh darned right!
It's been kind of a long time since I've posted any new drawrings. Even longer since I've posted and new finished pieces. Here is one I just put the finishing touches on yesterday. Hope you like it. As always, I'll be selling prints of it. Contact me by Facebook message or e-mail ( if you're interested.
aaron paul,
breaking bad,
bryan cranston,
coloured pencil,
finished work
Thursday, November 6, 2014
IT'S HERE!!!!!
The time has finally come. I've just published a book on of my celebrity caricature works!
Titled "Look What I Did!", the book features 36 of the full-colour, portrait-style celebrity caricatures I've done over the last 11 years, including 5 that I've never published anywhere on the internet! It also includes my comments on some of them, in case anyone's interested. I'd love it if you all bought yourselves a copy or two. And let me know what you think of it right here on the Caricatures by Don Facebook page.
You can order your copy (or copies) from at the link below:
The time has finally come. I've just published a book on of my celebrity caricature works!
Titled "Look What I Did!", the book features 36 of the full-colour, portrait-style celebrity caricatures I've done over the last 11 years, including 5 that I've never published anywhere on the internet! It also includes my comments on some of them, in case anyone's interested. I'd love it if you all bought yourselves a copy or two. And let me know what you think of it right here on the Caricatures by Don Facebook page.
You can order your copy (or copies) from at the link below:
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Yeah, his forehead really is that big.
It's freeing to switch rendering styles every now and then and simplify, because now, just one day after posting my last finished work, I can post ANOTHER finished work! The cast of one of my favourite sitcoms, Community!
I don't know how well it shows up in the scan, but it's drawn in ballpoint pen on lined paper. Or actually, to be more accurate, I wanted the look of lined, three-hole-punched paper, but wanted to stick with my usual 11" x 14" format, so I scanned a regular sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper, blew it up in photoshop and had it printed 11" x 14" to do the drawing on.
I don't know how well it shows up in the scan, but it's drawn in ballpoint pen on lined paper. Or actually, to be more accurate, I wanted the look of lined, three-hole-punched paper, but wanted to stick with my usual 11" x 14" format, so I scanned a regular sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper, blew it up in photoshop and had it printed 11" x 14" to do the drawing on.
Friday, July 18, 2014
I think they wear the different coloured shirts so that people can tell then apart easier.
Been a long time since I've posted any artwork, but today, I finally
finished my full-fledged, full-colour caricature portrait of Penn &
Teller. What do you think?
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Got any french fries? 'Cause I brought the catch-up!
My caricature-a-week resolution got derailed much faster than I would have expected! I got really busy over the last month and a half or so, to the point where I haven't really had any time for any just-for-fun drawing. But over the last couple of weeks, I've been doing a few sketches here and there to try to get caught up. These are obviously very quick, rough, line-only sketches, but... they're sketches. and they're done. And now I'm caught up.
SO... by way of introduction, here are:
Week 6- "C" female- Carol Burnett
Week 7- "D" male- Don Cheadle
Week 8- "D" female- Zooey Deschanel
Week 9- "E" male- Enrico Colantoni
Week 10- "E female- Ellen DeGeneres
Week 11- "F" male- Forest Whitaker.
(They won't necessarily appear in that order below, but you can probably figure out which is which.)
SO... by way of introduction, here are:
Week 6- "C" female- Carol Burnett
Week 7- "D" male- Don Cheadle
Week 8- "D" female- Zooey Deschanel
Week 9- "E" male- Enrico Colantoni
Week 10- "E female- Ellen DeGeneres
Week 11- "F" male- Forest Whitaker.
(They won't necessarily appear in that order below, but you can probably figure out which is which.)
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Robin Hood, Prince of Sweeping, Flowing Hairstyles
A to Zed 2014, Week 5: "C" male: Kevin Costner (as Robin Hood). Back when I first watched Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves, I thought the only laughable thing about Costner as Robin Hood was his pathetic and eventually abandoned attempt at a British accent. Looking at the photos again now, I realize his hair was also hilarious.
a to zed,
a to zed 2014,
digital artwork,
kevin costner,
robin hood,
Saturday, January 25, 2014
I promise not all the women I draw for this project will be from that awful Mamma Mia movie.
I've been waiting to post this one because I thought I might have time to go a little further with it. But I guess not. I guess we're just getting a very simple pencil outline caricature this week.
Week 4: "B" female: Christine Baranski.
Week 4: "B" female: Christine Baranski.
a to zed,
a to zed 2014,
christine baranski,
digital artwork,
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Mazel Tov to me!
So... Back in October or November, an issue
was published of a magazine called hDL Magazine, that featured an
interview with me and a multi-page display of my artwork! I just finally
got my digital copy of the article today, and they're mailing
me the hard copy. Here's the thing: The magazine is only published in
Hebrew, in Israel! How did it come to be, you may ask, that Don was
contacted by an Israeli magazine publisher to interview him and publish
his work?
No idea!
And here's the English translation of the interview (or rather, the English interview from which the published Hebrew version was translated):
How and when your connection to the world of art and caricatures started?
I’ve been drawing ever since I was old enough to hold a thing that could make a mark on another thing! For whatever reason, it’s just always been something I’ve loved to do. When I was about 15 years old, I used to read Mad Magazine a lot. I don’t know whether you’re familiar with this magazine in Israel, but it’s a humour magazine best known for its spoofs of popular movies and TV shows, which are all drawn, comic book style, with caricatures of the shows’ stars. I became absolutely fascinated with the caricatures, especially the work of Mort Drucker and Jack Davis. So I started trying to draw caricatures of my own, at first copying the styles of those two artists, but eventually starting to try heavier exaggerations and to develop my own style.
What attracts you doing those caricatures?
I guess I see it as a way to combine my love of drawing, my lifelong fascination with entertainment culture (movies, tv and music especially), and my somewhat warped sense of humour.
What is your main agenda in your special art?
I’m not sure I really have anything I’m trying to “say” as such, or any message I’m trying to put forth with my artwork. If I do have an “agenda”, I guess it would just be to try to get people seeing caricature as an art form and not just as a cute novelty like they see in amusement parks and such. It can be used as a fun distraction in that way, of course, and I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that-- I hire my services out for parties and events like that myself-- but that’s not all caricature has the potential to be. There are some really fantastic caricaturists out there proving that caricature can truly be a valid, expressive art form, and I just want to be a part of that.
What is your favorite caricature?
My favourite of my own artworks I guess would be my caricature of the Beatles as seen on the Let It Be album cover. Partly because I’m a huge Beatles fan, and partly because it was the first one of all my full-colour, portrait-style caricatures I did, so it’s still very dear to me on a personal level. But as for which ones I consider to be my very best, I would have to say my Seinfeld, Eric Clapton, Sting, Bob Dylan, Jack Nicholson and the cast of LOST.
Where do you get the inspiration? Are there any special moments that
you take with you into your art?
My inspiration doesn’t come from personal experiences, really. Mostly just from seeing a face with a lot of great, prominent features. It’s an automatic habit of mine now to start semi-consciously analyzing every face I see for what its most notable features are. And when I see someone (especially a celebrity) with a lot of them, it really makes me want to sit down and start sketching!
Where are you from originally and how old are you?
I’m 44 years old, originally from a town called North Bay, Ontario, Canada. But I currently live in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
What are your next goals in the world of art?
I always have, in my mind, a list of celebrities I want to caricature whenever I find the time. Plus, I have a number of ideas for large, collage-style group caricatures, like my LOST drawing, that I want to do. Unfortunately, time to work on such things is limited, what with my having a full-time job, a family and all the other usual things to take my time up. So a lot of those ideas may be quite a long way off from being accomplished.
Have you ever been in Israel before? Maybe the Middle East is a great
place for ideas, potential caricatures?
No, I’m afraid I’ve never been there. I haven’t travelled nearly as much in my life as I’d like to. But hey, feel free to send me a list of Israeli celebrities and maybe I can do up some sketches! Maybe there’s even potential there for a follow-up article! Haha!
Describe me your work process
I always start with several rough sketches. These are very loose, just trying to get a feel for how the specific features of the face I’m drawing fit together and relate to each other. When I have a sketch I’m happy with, I usually use that underneath the paper on which I’m drawing my final artwork. Most of my caricatures are done in coloured pencil on paper, though I also have several digital paintings. The process for those is similar, but with variations, of course. Once I start on the final piece, though, I tend to work quite slowly, mentally planning my next move as I go along. Especially when working in coloured pencils, because, unlike most kinds of paints, there’s very little ability to correct mistakes. What you draw with coloured pencil can’t very well be covered up if you decide you don’t like it.
People love caricatures – why is that in your opinion?
I’m no psychologist or anything, but I think maybe subconsciously, many people are self-conscious about the things they see as their own physical imperfections, and maybe it’s a comfort to them to see others, especially celebrities who are often considered more physically attractive than us average folk, represented as also imperfect. And when it’s done in a way that also has a humorous element to it, it brings it into perspective that ultimately, our physical appearance isn’t that important. It’s something we can make light of and get a laugh from.
No idea!
And here's the English translation of the interview (or rather, the English interview from which the published Hebrew version was translated):
How and when your connection to the world of art and caricatures started?
I’ve been drawing ever since I was old enough to hold a thing that could make a mark on another thing! For whatever reason, it’s just always been something I’ve loved to do. When I was about 15 years old, I used to read Mad Magazine a lot. I don’t know whether you’re familiar with this magazine in Israel, but it’s a humour magazine best known for its spoofs of popular movies and TV shows, which are all drawn, comic book style, with caricatures of the shows’ stars. I became absolutely fascinated with the caricatures, especially the work of Mort Drucker and Jack Davis. So I started trying to draw caricatures of my own, at first copying the styles of those two artists, but eventually starting to try heavier exaggerations and to develop my own style.
What attracts you doing those caricatures?
I guess I see it as a way to combine my love of drawing, my lifelong fascination with entertainment culture (movies, tv and music especially), and my somewhat warped sense of humour.
What is your main agenda in your special art?
I’m not sure I really have anything I’m trying to “say” as such, or any message I’m trying to put forth with my artwork. If I do have an “agenda”, I guess it would just be to try to get people seeing caricature as an art form and not just as a cute novelty like they see in amusement parks and such. It can be used as a fun distraction in that way, of course, and I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that-- I hire my services out for parties and events like that myself-- but that’s not all caricature has the potential to be. There are some really fantastic caricaturists out there proving that caricature can truly be a valid, expressive art form, and I just want to be a part of that.
What is your favorite caricature?
My favourite of my own artworks I guess would be my caricature of the Beatles as seen on the Let It Be album cover. Partly because I’m a huge Beatles fan, and partly because it was the first one of all my full-colour, portrait-style caricatures I did, so it’s still very dear to me on a personal level. But as for which ones I consider to be my very best, I would have to say my Seinfeld, Eric Clapton, Sting, Bob Dylan, Jack Nicholson and the cast of LOST.
Where do you get the inspiration? Are there any special moments that
you take with you into your art?
My inspiration doesn’t come from personal experiences, really. Mostly just from seeing a face with a lot of great, prominent features. It’s an automatic habit of mine now to start semi-consciously analyzing every face I see for what its most notable features are. And when I see someone (especially a celebrity) with a lot of them, it really makes me want to sit down and start sketching!
Where are you from originally and how old are you?
I’m 44 years old, originally from a town called North Bay, Ontario, Canada. But I currently live in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
What are your next goals in the world of art?
I always have, in my mind, a list of celebrities I want to caricature whenever I find the time. Plus, I have a number of ideas for large, collage-style group caricatures, like my LOST drawing, that I want to do. Unfortunately, time to work on such things is limited, what with my having a full-time job, a family and all the other usual things to take my time up. So a lot of those ideas may be quite a long way off from being accomplished.
Have you ever been in Israel before? Maybe the Middle East is a great
place for ideas, potential caricatures?
No, I’m afraid I’ve never been there. I haven’t travelled nearly as much in my life as I’d like to. But hey, feel free to send me a list of Israeli celebrities and maybe I can do up some sketches! Maybe there’s even potential there for a follow-up article! Haha!
Describe me your work process
I always start with several rough sketches. These are very loose, just trying to get a feel for how the specific features of the face I’m drawing fit together and relate to each other. When I have a sketch I’m happy with, I usually use that underneath the paper on which I’m drawing my final artwork. Most of my caricatures are done in coloured pencil on paper, though I also have several digital paintings. The process for those is similar, but with variations, of course. Once I start on the final piece, though, I tend to work quite slowly, mentally planning my next move as I go along. Especially when working in coloured pencils, because, unlike most kinds of paints, there’s very little ability to correct mistakes. What you draw with coloured pencil can’t very well be covered up if you decide you don’t like it.
People love caricatures – why is that in your opinion?
I’m no psychologist or anything, but I think maybe subconsciously, many people are self-conscious about the things they see as their own physical imperfections, and maybe it’s a comfort to them to see others, especially celebrities who are often considered more physically attractive than us average folk, represented as also imperfect. And when it’s done in a way that also has a humorous element to it, it brings it into perspective that ultimately, our physical appearance isn’t that important. It’s something we can make light of and get a laugh from.
dhl magazine,
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
I think I just broke bad. Except I don't really know what that means.
A to Zed 2014, week 3: B male: Bryan Cranston. It seemed like just about every other caricaturist online had a caricature of this guy, so I thought I'd try him out too.

a to zed,
a to zed 2014,
breaking bad,
bryan cranston,
digital artwork,
walter white
Friday, January 10, 2014
Her freakishly huge, wide-set eyes led me to believe she'd be easier to caricature!
A to Zed 2014, week 2: A female: Amanda
Seyfried. I put a little more effort into the rendering on this one
(though it's still far from what I would call a finished piece), but
unfortunately, in all the fussing with it, I think I lost the likeness.
a to zed,
a to zed 2014,
amanda seyfried,
digital artwork,
Saturday, January 4, 2014
A to Zed 2: Zed Harder!
I don't think anyone ever comes looking around here anymore, but in case anyone happens to stumble across it, I'll post these here in addition to my Facebook page, my Twitter feed, my tumblr, E-Caricatures and
Several years ago now (I forget just how many), I did a project I called A to Zed, which meant that each week for one year, I drew a new caricature of a famous person. The first week, it was a male, at least one of whose names started with A. The second week, it was a female starting with A. Then a B male, then a B female, etc. 26 letters in the alphabet time two equals 52 weeks in a year.
Well, one of my annoyances about 2013 was that I didn't spend nearly enough time drawing just for the fun of drawing. So to make sure that doesn't happen again in 2014, I've decided to do the A to Zed project again.
Week 1: A male: Alan Arkin.
Several years ago now (I forget just how many), I did a project I called A to Zed, which meant that each week for one year, I drew a new caricature of a famous person. The first week, it was a male, at least one of whose names started with A. The second week, it was a female starting with A. Then a B male, then a B female, etc. 26 letters in the alphabet time two equals 52 weeks in a year.
Well, one of my annoyances about 2013 was that I didn't spend nearly enough time drawing just for the fun of drawing. So to make sure that doesn't happen again in 2014, I've decided to do the A to Zed project again.
Week 1: A male: Alan Arkin.
a to zed,
a to zed 2014,
alan arkin,
digital artwork,
Thursday, November 28, 2013
The only man who has ever looked better with a mustache than without.
Over at E-Caricatures, our theme for this month's contest, in honour of the popular tradition known as "Movember", is Famous Mustaches. I decided to draw the first person who always comes to my mind on those numerous (in fact, near constant) occasions when I think about famous guys with mustaches... Tom Selleck.
Done in Sketchbook Pro.
Done in Sketchbook Pro.
contest submissions,
digital artwork,
magnum p.i.,
tom selleck
Friday, October 4, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
If you like all books ever published, just because they're books, you'll LOVE this one!
Hey, everyone! I wrote a book!
Yeah, I wrote a little humour book called Dear All of Hollywood. It's published on the self-publishing website, and you can buy copies of it there.
It's a small collection of letters addressed to "all of Hollywood", informing filmmakers and tv people of little facts they clearly don't know.
Here's just one example:
"Dear All of Hollywood:
I wanted to point out that, although I've never actually attempted it myself, I really think I can state with confidence that the act of smothering a person to death with a pillow requires more than ten seconds.
Just thought you might find this information useful going forward.
Many of these letters are illustrated by me, featuring caricatures of various Hollywood celebrity types. If you would like to see a preview, and/ or purchase a copy, you can find it on, at the following link. I appreciate the support.
Yeah, I wrote a little humour book called Dear All of Hollywood. It's published on the self-publishing website, and you can buy copies of it there.
It's a small collection of letters addressed to "all of Hollywood", informing filmmakers and tv people of little facts they clearly don't know.
Here's just one example:
"Dear All of Hollywood:
I wanted to point out that, although I've never actually attempted it myself, I really think I can state with confidence that the act of smothering a person to death with a pillow requires more than ten seconds.
Just thought you might find this information useful going forward.
Many of these letters are illustrated by me, featuring caricatures of various Hollywood celebrity types. If you would like to see a preview, and/ or purchase a copy, you can find it on, at the following link. I appreciate the support.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Yeah, that's right, more Beatles caricatures! You got a problem with that?
I started these last summer, and just FINALLY
got them finished yesterday! I know, the edge of Paul's face is kinda
hard to make out, it blends into the white background. It doesn't look
like that on the original. Unfortunately, I just don't have a very good
Anyway, I'm selling prints of these! Buy any one individually for $15, or all four for just $50! Woo-hoo! What a deal! Woooooooo! Drop me an e-mail at if you're interested.
Anyway, I'm selling prints of these! Buy any one individually for $15, or all four for just $50! Woo-hoo! What a deal! Woooooooo! Drop me an e-mail at if you're interested.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
This isn't really only the second time I've posted in 2013, is it?
My quick, poorly-coloured sketch of Emma Stone, American actress best known for starring in about 50% of all movies released in the last three years. Done for this month's caricature contest at the E-Caricatures forum, the theme for which is, coincidentally, Emma Stone.
contest submissions,
digital artwork,
emma stone,
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
This isn't really the first time I've posted in 2013, is it?
I'm CERTAIN I must have posted SOMETHING this year, but nothing's showing up since December 2012! Weird!
Okay, then here are a couple of Sketchbook Pro sketches I've done recently:
Penn and/or Teller:
and Drew Barrymore:
Okay, then here are a couple of Sketchbook Pro sketches I've done recently:
Penn and/or Teller:
and Drew Barrymore:
Thursday, December 27, 2012
I thought about just using a white silhouette on a light blue background.
The latest caricature contest at E-Caricatures is Mark Zuckerberg, with the added rule that this month, we must post rough sketches only.
Here's mine.
Here's mine.
So, I got "Weird Al: The Book" (a coffee-table
book about the life and career of, obviously, "Weird Al" Yankovic) for
Christmas, only then to discover that MY CARICATURE OF AL IS USED IN THE
They put out the call quite some time ago for anyone who had any Al-themed artwork to send it in for consideration to be included in the book, with the warning that there would be no remuneration and possibly no credit given. I didn't care. I sent mine in just for the possibility of getting the thrill of seeing my artwork in a book about "Weird Al" Yankovic. I never heard back from them, so I assumed they hadn't used it. Then, when I was flipping through the book on Christmas Day, I spotted it there (Top right corner of page 185, if you all want to check it out in your own copies). I freaked out a little. The credits at the back of the book list the names of a few other more prominently-featured artists, followed by "and others who contributed artwork on pages..." and then a list of page numbers. So I'm an "other".
They put out the call quite some time ago for anyone who had any Al-themed artwork to send it in for consideration to be included in the book, with the warning that there would be no remuneration and possibly no credit given. I didn't care. I sent mine in just for the possibility of getting the thrill of seeing my artwork in a book about "Weird Al" Yankovic. I never heard back from them, so I assumed they hadn't used it. Then, when I was flipping through the book on Christmas Day, I spotted it there (Top right corner of page 185, if you all want to check it out in your own copies). I freaked out a little. The credits at the back of the book list the names of a few other more prominently-featured artists, followed by "and others who contributed artwork on pages..." and then a list of page numbers. So I'm an "other".
Friday, November 9, 2012
Faces for Radio
Q104, the local rock station, and their sister station Kool FM, hired me recently to caricature all their on-air talent. These were all done 16" x 20", and will be hanging in frames on the wall in the station.
They had me re-draw this one many times! This was not the final, but it was the one I felt looked the most like her.
They had me re-draw this one many times! This was not the final, but it was the one I felt looked the most like her.
digital artwork,
finished work,
Thursday, October 25, 2012
I just call him "sti" for short.
Here's a new finished piece. It's Sting. Started this one somewhere around a year ago, when Caricaturama Showdown 3000 had a Sting challenge. I got discouraged with it at some point, and put off finishing it for a long time. Just in the last couple of weeks, I've finally been working on it again, here and there, and finally finished it today.
Done in Sketchbook Pro.
Comments and critiques welcome.

Done in Sketchbook Pro.
Comments and critiques welcome.

digital artwork,
finished work,
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
How creepy can he really be when his first name is Bela?
Here's my caricature sketch of Bela Lugosi. He was an actor. A long time ago. Played Dracula, the most famous undead dude in history. Now he's dead.
This was for this month's E-Caricatures challenge.
This was for this month's E-Caricatures challenge.
bela lugosi,
contest submissions,
digital artwork,
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Turns out terrifying-clown, botched-surgery deathmasks are surprising difficult to capture.
This Is Joan Rivers, sketched in Sketchbook Pro for this month's E-Caricatures challenge.
She creeps me out.

She creeps me out.

contest submissions,
digital artwork,
joan rivers,
Monday, August 20, 2012
The theme of this month's contest at E-Caricatures is Pulp Fiction. I chose to draw Rosanna Arquette, simply because I think she has a great face for caricature and I don't recall ever having seen one of her before. Now, I've never seen Pulp Fiction (Please don't say, "WHAT?! You've never seen Pulp Fiction?!" That has long since become very tired.), but I'm guessing Rosanna plays some kind of weird character.
Incidentally, a couple of the reference photos I used showed her having an eyebrow piercing and no lip piercing, while others had it the other way around. I don't know if there's a reason for that, since I've never seen the movie (don't say it!), but I decided to just draw both.
These are the fascinating stories caricaturists tell.
Incidentally, a couple of the reference photos I used showed her having an eyebrow piercing and no lip piercing, while others had it the other way around. I don't know if there's a reason for that, since I've never seen the movie (don't say it!), but I decided to just draw both.
These are the fascinating stories caricaturists tell.
digital artwork,
rosanna arquette,
Friday, August 17, 2012
Just in case anyone evr looks here anymore...
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
See how HE likes it!
My caricature sketch of "Weird Al" Yankovic, for the July caricature contest at I realized too late that I had drawn his glasses crooked. By "too late" I mean, "after I had already not cared enough to fix it."
Friday, July 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Adele.... Yeah, I have no joke title here. Just Adele.
Look, I know very little about her, despite not being able to turn on a TV, radio or computer or open a newspaper or magazine without hearing/ seeing her name. I just know that I'm not a fan, and that she's got a good face for caricature.
So.... here it is. It's Adele.
So.... here it is. It's Adele.
contest submissions,
digital artwork,
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