i was able to do this one up quickly, though. now, for those of you reading this who aren't artists, here's a little trick artists often use to check the accuracy of their work: flip it. that is, hold it up to a mirror, or, in the case of digital creations, all drawring programs have a "flip" function that allows you to see your drawring backwards. you'd be surprised how different it makes the artwork look. mistakes the artist hadn't previous noticed become immediately apparent...
don't do that with this drawring. i drew it very quickly (in flash), and, even though i didn't have time to fix any problems i might find, i tried flipping it anyway, out of curiosity. it looked hideous! i mean, it looked like a really, really bad caricature. it was weird. so don't do that. just look at it the way it is, because this way i'm actually rather happy with it. it's still not a great piece of work technically speaking, i guess, but i'm very pleased with the likeness.
anyway... here it is, for the e-caricatures monthly contest, tom petty: