k, so i'm a member of an online social networking thingy thing for caricatuists, called wittygraphy. and they took the twelve most popular caricatures of 2009 on the site, and turned them into a 2010 twelve-month calendar, published on lulu, the self-publishing website thingy thing. my amy winehouse was one of the caricatures selected. just in case anyone's interested in ordering a copy of the calendar (it's $19.95 + shipping), i thought i'd post a link to where you can do so. you can find that here. all proceeds go to Dominican Sisters Orphanage in Can Tho (Vietnam) for 17 children in great need. if that helps any to convince you. there are a lot of other really great caricatures in there too, some of them by some of my favourite caricaturists around, including ireland's niall o'loughlin and the disturbingly young william appledorn from the far-away, exotic land of the united states of the americas. i've ordered my copy! you should too! that way, you can be like me, and what could you want more than that?