first, a sketch i'm not entirely 100% devoted to of reese witherspoon. it seems to me it's almost there, but something i can't quite place just isn't right...

secondly, i've done changes on both my white stripes (again) and my iggy pop. the change to jack white in the white stripes piece is pretty obvious, and on iggy i just made his forehead wider, as i started to feel that narrowing the forehead was unnecessary, and actually hurting the likeness. it's a small change, but i like it a lot more now.

and finally, the one i'm most excited about, my latest full-colour coloured pencil piece. now, last summer, i was at the halifax waterfront with my caricature stand set up just about every day, since i was in the middle of a layoff from my animation job at the time. and between customers, i was working on these coloured pencil works. well, this summer i was actually employed, so i didn't get down to the waterfront as often as i would have preferred. as a result, where last year i finished off some nine or ten new drawrings, this summer, i was only able to get one done. what a rip.
anyway, i like it, and i hope you do too.
indiana jones: